Friday we went to the Sock Hop at Josh's school. It was a fundraiser for the Media Center. We had a great time. There was pizza, the kids played, we danced. It was great! I didn't get any pictures because all I heard about was how crowded it was. Since Rich and I already had to try and keep track of 2 kids, I thought a camera might put me over the edge.
There were lots of kids and parents dressed in their 50's get up! Lots of poodle skirts and cuffed blue jeans and rolled t-shirts! We had lots of fun and the kids were sufficiently worn out. Both slept past 6:30 on Saturday!!
Saturday we just spent around the house and doing a bit of shopping -- Josh was making his birthday list. The kids must have still been worn out from Friday because Sunday, they slept until 7:00! That is a true miracle!
The Bad Crack:
The weather was really nice on Sunday afternoon, so we took the boys to our neighborhood playground. Sam went down the tornado slide and caught his leg some how. He would not put any weight on it. Rich carried him home. After he had his supper and bath, it still was not better so I brought him to Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. Sure enough, they took an x-ray and he has a small crack in his right leg, right above the ankle.
We are getting a cast put on this afternoon.
I have to say, of my many trips to CHOA, they are so helpful and nice. There was a 2 1/2 hour wait time, but once we were checked in at the "insurance" desk, we only had to wait 10 minutes. The triage nurse took us back straight away. We were still there for a while since Sam needed x-rays, but we were still out of there in less than 2 hours.
So, anyway, it should be an interesting next few weeks!
Awwww... Poor tyke!