
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Love Thursday Revisited

When I first started blogging, I joined an online community called Maya’s Mom. Through Maya’s Mom I met a fantastic group of ladies. It was a really wonderful online community that unfortunately has been integrated into another community and is no more.

One of the things we did at Maya’s Mom was post blogs on specific topics and every Thursday was “Love Thursday.”

I’d completely forgotten about Love Thursday until I re-started this blog and added that cool “You Might Also Like” widget at the bottom of the posts. This widget scans the tags and looks through old posts makes a “suggestion” based on similar posts.

One of my recent posts brought up a bunch of “Love Thursday” prompts.  So, I decided today would be a good day to post a “Love Thursday” post.

I took a year off blogging for whatever reason – life got busy, I got distracted, who knows. Before it started to feel like a chore and something I HAD to do. But when I posted on Monday, I realized how much I missed it. I missed having a record of what we’ve done.

Sure there are some things I remember, like our trips to England and Michigan. Our visits to museums, zoos, aquariums and various other fun places.

But I had forgotten some every day things.

Like funny things Sam said or just what we would do when it rained.

As a mom I hear all the time, “cherish this time, they grow up so fast.” We remember some of the stuff, but there is no way we remember it all! Looking back, through here, I see how much they’ve changed and grown. Josh was in Kindergarten when I started blogging – he’s finishing up 4th grade now. Sam was still a toddler – now he’s in Kindergarten. Time FLIES!

So today’s Love Thursday post is about loving memories and this blog that captured the ordinary every day moments that slip through the cracks.

And above all about my boys.



  1. I forgot all about Love Thursdays too!
    I totally understand about putting blogging on hold - I use my personal blog more like a scrapbook now. I haven't really written much in over a year. I keep telling myself I am going to, but then another project comes along.

  2. One of the reasons I'm glad I've started a blog is because my only child grows and changes so much everyday. I'm excited to keep memories for us for the future and also for family that we have that live out of state. I never imagined I'd network with other bloggers when I started blogging (a whole MONTH ago lol) but it's only added to the joy of the experience. So glad to have you BACK to the blogging community. :)


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